Wednesday, November 3, 2021

 pcr points out how the empire is in full collapse though he doesn't speak of it in those terms and when you read this it may not be apparent what i speak of but when you consider it in its fullness, what else could be the result;

The Democrats Are Already Buying the Immigrant-invaders’ Votes

Paul Craig Roberts

America is the only country in history in which immigrant-invaders can walk into the country illegally, be detained, and collect $1 million per family for the trauma of being detained.

Isn’t it great! Immigrant-invaders can bring lawsuits because they were stopped from illegally entering our country. Biden is using the orchestrated threat of immigrant-invader lawsuits to award every frustrated immigrant invader $450,000 not to sue. It is an orchestration, because there is no basis in law for a person to sue because his illegal entry is blocked. A person who breaks the law cannot sue because the consequences do not suit him. How can America survive led by a party as corrupt as Democrats?

How dare President Trump stop these people from walking in and stretching the resources of American cities, as in Brownsville, Texas, to provide for them. The trauma of rejection was too much for the illegals. Their lawyers are demanding $3.4 million per “family” in restitution.

The American taxpayers who will have to pay for the Democrats’ vote-buying will themselves never experience such fortunes as they are about to fund for illegal immigrant-invaders.

When you think about this, who does it pay to be, a broke American or a rich immigrant-invader?

Here is the Wall Street Journal more.........

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