Thursday, November 25, 2021

 pcr shows you things that your tv won't, and this is what we call the 'free world';

Australian Army Now Moving Australians into Concentration Camps

Paul Craig Roberts

As I reported earlier — — in Australia, formerly a free country, now a Nazi state, the Australian army is transporting Australians who test positive for Covid and those who have had contact with them to quarantine camps.

The forceful internment of Australians has begun in the large but sparsely settled Northern Territory where the dispersed population cannot easily organize into mass demonstrations. Once the precedent is established in the Northern Territory, internment camps will be the rule throughout Australia.

As of two days ago, November 22, the entirely of the Northern Territory had a total of only 38 Covid cases. Remember, the definition of a Covid case is a positive result from a PCR test, and remember that the PCR test run at the protocol cycles produces 97% false positives. In other words, it is a test manipulated to produce the appearance of a “pandemic.”

So, as far as anyone knows, there is only one Covid case in the Northern Territory. (There are only 38 alleged cases; 3 percent of 38 equals 1.14 Covid cases)

Obviously, the internment order has nothing whatsoever to do with a pandemic and public more.......

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