Tuesday, November 30, 2021

 there is much evidence flying about that clearly displays the corruption and the lies of those in charge should you care to look about and cogitate;

YouTube removing the dislike button isn’t about “preventing harassment,” it’s about preventing wrongthink.

YouTube is in the process of removing the dislike button’s count from every single video under the guise of preventing harassment towards creators. Oddly enough, creators are still perfectly able to see the dislike count on their end. The only people unable to see the count are the viewers. Even more odd is the fact that this only seemed to occur after months of nearly every main stream media YouTube video being disliked to hell. This allowed viewers to see where the opinions of others really lie, and the majority of the time, this was against whatever the msm was preaching. By removing the count, YouTube has found a way to make your average person feel alone in their disagreement with the media. They have found a way to prevent grassroots movements from gaining traction on YouTube. They have found a way to prevent anyone from voicing an opinion that is negative towards the establishment in the form of a simple dislike. Comments can already be turned off by creators, and I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if YouTube removed the comments section entirely within the year............https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/r5ekdr/youtube_removing_the_dislike_button_isnt_about/

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