Friday, November 26, 2021

 linh dinh tells you where all of this covid insanity is heading and i fully concur. i'd add that the first comment, his, is also worth reading as it adds a bit to this essay;

The most salient feature of totalitarianism is control of movement, which entails tracking each citizen. Before the internet era, this could only be achieved roughly.

The state knew John Smith lived on Lumumba Street and worked on Stalin Avenue. If Smith wanted to spend a night at a woman’s apartment, she had to register him at the neighborhood police station. Big Brother entered the bedroom, but not totally, for he couldn't hear all the sibilants, exhalations and squishes. Daytime movement was generally unmonitored, but the state always knew where you were at night.

Smith’s ID card also prevented him from moving to the next city, much less getting a better job there, so he was stuck in Bidenstadt, his hometown.

Smith was free, though, to walk into any state store to browse, for as long as he wanted, its empty shelves.

Now, the state knows where Smith is all the time. At 5:51:15PM, this scowling man is again at Blather Bar, next to Red Levine, who, despite his name, also has alternative right tendencies. Vein-popping fans of Steve Sailer, each has left hundreds of fist-pumping comments, under “sigofnig” and “xxxxrabbi.”

For the state, the whole point of tracking is to reward or punish, mostly the latter. In the past, you’d be invited to the police station, or just dragged off the street. Now, punishment can be much tidier, and instant, even for the tiniest sin. That’s where the vaccine, green, access or health passport comes in.

Required to have one, Smith can be prevented from entering Blather, or any bar, for that matter. If his transgression is bad enough, Smith will be blocked from any indoor space, period, except the shoelace factory, corner grocery and his basement apartment, though even this last privilege can be revoked.

Traipsing home exhausted one winter evening, Smith discovers his passport no longer opens his building’s door. He must have said something at work, or the evening before, at Blather. Maybe it was an online comment. Smith should have known. Several of his neighbors have been locked out. He deserves it, Smith thought of one he disliked intensely, and not just politically. Let him die! Now, it’s his turn.

To prevent such scenarios, we must reject the newly-introduced right-to-live pass. Worse than Soviet-era internal passports, it can prevent us from buying even a cheeseburger. As with the jab that’s designed to sicken, disable, sterilize or kill, it’s not about our wellbeing. No pass, no entry means we’re constantly at their more...........

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