Tuesday, October 27, 2020

 where we are and where we're going according to the video rebel who presents much about now and coming days as is his practice;

If no one power can enforce order, our world will suffer from a “global order deficit.”  Klaus Schwab, Founder of (Davos) World Economic Forum

Klaus Schwab said we can make a new social contract for the post corona world utilizing the technology of the fourth generation industrial revolution. Klaus  is the founder of the World Economic Forum which hosts the annual Davos summits to which thousands of woke people are drawn every year. Bill Gates is a prominent participant.

Schwab has written two books on the fourth industrial revolution.

The First Industrial Revolution used water and steam power to mechanize production. The second was electricity. The Third used electronics and information technology to automate production. Now a Fourth Industrial Revolution is building on the Third, the digital revolution that has been occurring since the middle of the last century.

The 4th Industrial Revolution is largely driven by four specific technological developments: high-speed mobile Internet, AI and automation, the use of big data analytics, and cloud technology.

All of our needs will be taken care of recognizing the limits of natural resources. But who will make us equal and decide what our needs are? The decisions most concerning your life will probably be made by an AI relying on cloud data drawing information from your home appliances and very likely a bio-monitor. We will have a social credit score just like in China based on our compliance and co-operation with global governance......read more........

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