Saturday, May 30, 2020

this is an interesting item i've not heard about before reading this but it may provide more interesting moments as time proceeds;

BALTIMORE, MARYLAND –-( Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives Baltimore field office, in conjunction with the Baltimore Police Department, has issued an “Officer Safety Bulletin” warning police departments of the “Boogaloo movement.”According to the bulletin, the agency has noticed people posting on private social media groups about the “Boogaloo” by “individuals who identify with extreme second amendment rights.” The notice says the law enforcement agencies have seen threats against federal and local law enforcement officials in these posts. It warns that these social media posts expect a second American Civil War.
The Boogaloo is a meme about a second American Civil War/Revolutionary war. The meme takes its name from the 1984 movie, “Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo #ad.” Social media users sometimes refer to it as the “Big Igloo.” The meme has become a sign of protest against what gun owners see as an ever-encroaching government. Gun rights advocates have shown up to rallies across the country wearing Hawaiian and watch more.......

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