Tuesday, May 26, 2020

interesting list and conclusions to which i challenge you to oppose;

So I am just sitting here enjoying a cup of coffee on Memorial Day. I give thanks to all the vets for their service and personal sacrifices. We were once a united country of self-reliant strong willed people but have devolved into a fractured, polarized group of gelatinous spined sloths for the most part. Definitely not my readers out there though. Sipping my coffee I began to think about how we have been weakened both physically and cognitively since the end of WWII. By chance? No way. A sickly, dumbed down population is easily controlled. The agenda is dark and multi-generational. Evil is nefarious and very patient. We have all been deceived. Some of these practices have stopped while others are in use today. So here is my list on how we all have been royally fucked over:

Aspartame and artificial sweeteners
BPA- thermal store receipts, food packaging
Fluoridated water
Mercury in amalgam dental fillings
Formaldehyde in envelope adhesive & stamps
Handing us liquid mercury as a toy in science class
Spraying us like bugs with DDT under the guise of mosquito control
Exposing soldiers to atomic tests and radiation.
Napalm exposure in Nam
Gulf War Syndrome - vax?
Free flu shots and vaccines
Sodium nitrite and nitrate, plus other chemicals in the food
Leaded gas fumes until the 80's blanketing our cities
Leaded paint
High fructose corn syrup
Micro-plastic ingestion
Removal of tonsils crucial to the immune system
Circumcision- reduced sexual sensitivity and early trauma
Big Pharma- nuff said
Generic drugs only needing to be 85% pure. What's in the other 15%?
Radiation & chemotherapy
Depletion of essential nutrients in the soil due to industrial farming
Removal of Iodine from bread in the 1970's
Zinc exposure from dental adhesive
Cigarettes laced with deadly chemicals vs pure tobacco
Heavy metals in cosmetics and lotions
WiFi and electromagnetic pollution

Just a few off the top of my head. I gave alcohol, my genius juice, a free pass hehe. Please feel free to add a few more that I may have missed. Does humanity have any gas left in the tank for a rebound? I sure hope so. Time will tell. Time for some genius juice.....

The Chief Nose Wetter..............https://itaintholywater.blogspot.com/2020/05/memorial-day-epiphany.html

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