Wednesday, May 27, 2020

the videorebel presents an interesting statistical group of numbers in this article about the beer virus and its effects;

We are in the midst of a Plandemic. The coronavirus was made in a lab. So says Dr Luc Montagnier who won the Nobel Prize in Medicine. Dr Francis Boyle who wrote America’s Bioweapons law agrees. The controlled press cannot admit this because it would undo Globalism if the voters figured out the boss was trying to kill them. The US government acting through Dr Fauci and NIH gave the Wuhan Level 4 Bioweapons lab a $3.7 million grant in 2014 to further develop this bioweapon to be used against us.
The News Media also refuses to tell you the difference between dying with Coronavirus and dying from it. In a Democrat state a man was shot to death but his death was listed as Covid-19 on the death certificate. The federal government local governments to list deaths as covid even though the cause was clearly something else. A study of 200 deaths in California found that 3% died from Coronavirus and 97% from other causes. They might have tested positive before dying of heart disease, cancer, renal failure, liver disease, COPD or even suicide or vehicular accident. So the actual risk for healthy people with no nutritional deficiencies of Vitamins D-3 and C is very low, especially for those who skipped the seasonal flu shot. That latter factor increases the risk of getting the disease by 36%.
The following are the results of this most recent bioweapon. I will begin with a list of the ten states in the US with the most Covid deaths up to 5/25/2020. All ten states have Democrat governors. State populations are listed in the second more........

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