Sunday, March 17, 2019

zionism and the holohoax continues to rule the empire, and this crap accelerates in florida with this attack on the first amendment;

A Florida ‘hate crime’ bill with an expanded, Israel-centric definition of anti-Semitism and no mention of other religions, is working its way through House committees. The bill would criminalize criticisms of Israel.
by Brendan Rivers, reposted from WJCT Public Media
Critics of a Florida House bill that aims to crack down on anti-Semitism say the legislation is too narrow because it fails to address other forms of xenophobia and hate crimes, and that it violates the First Amendment by criminalizing legitimate criticisms of the State of Israel.
[Editor’s note: This is the latest action in an international campaign to rewrite the definition of anti-Semitism and then use it to prevent criticism of Israel – see this.]
HB 741, which would specify that the term “religion” include anti-Semitism for purposes of the hate crime statute, among other things, passed unanimously in the Criminal Justice Subcommittee Tuesday morning.
The bill is sponsored by Representatives Randy Fine (R-Brevard County), who is Jewish, and Michael Caruso (R-Delray Beach). The cosponsors are Representatives Jason Fischer (R-Jacksonville), Chip LaMarca (R-Lighthouse Point) and Spencer Roach (R-North Fort Myers).
Rep. Fine told members of the Criminal Justice Subcommittee that he filed the bill in response to a recent uptick in anti-Semitism. “As we have seen in recent weeks, unfortunately, anti-Semitism is alive and well in this country,” he said. “You can see it in the mainstreaming of certain language that’s been used in Washington D.C.” [Editor’s note: no one in Washington DC has been more demonized recently for alleged anti-Semitism than Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) for her statements about AIPAC; however the accusations against her are based not on what she said, but on some listeners’ inaccurate interpretations; Omar’s statements were factual.] 
“I’m not Jewish, but I stand here with Fine because it doesn’t take being Jewish to know what’s right and wrong,” Rep. Caruso added. “Anti-Semitism is a genocidal hatred that led to the death of over six million Jews, and it didn’t end with the Holocaust.”........

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