kunstler herein speaks of guns, immigrants and the divided country we inhabit with warnings for all;
The selfie-video made by New Zealand shooter Brent Tarrant shows the
world once again how shockingly banal an act of mass homicide can be. He
went through the various chambers of two mosques in suburban
Christchurch exterminating unarmed, helpless worshippers as if they were
mere points to be racked up in a video game. They had no personalities
or histories. They were just targets. And when they moaned or moved, he
shot them again to make sure they were out of the game. The shooter was
arrested and lives on in police custody.
He went about his task with exactly the sort of paramilitary efficiency that is portrayed so admiringly in the Mission Impossible or Fast and Furious
movies, all business, no emotion. The manifesto he left on the Internet
shows his clear and detailed motive for what he didn’t hesitate to
label as “a terrorist attack.” He was especially interested in provoking
a fresh debate over the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution in
the USA, in the hopes of provoking a civil war that would break-up the
nation into warring regions divided by race. He calls himself “an
eco-nationalist” because he considers overpopulation the leading threat
to the planet and non-Europeans to be the most fecund and therefore
responsible for the problem. He will go on trial and he says he intends
to plead innocent. You’d better take him seriously.
At least half the political class in the USA doesn’t take the
immigration issue seriously, except as a gambit for what they think is
political advantage. The Left is doing everything possible to confound
the issue and muddle it with litigation at every level, from local law
enforcement to congress, starting with the longstanding effort to garble
the definitions of legal versus illegal immigration. The “conservative”
Right doesn’t dare call them on it, out of fear of losing Hispanic
votes. So, it is left to the awkward, inflammatory figure of Mr. Trump
to demand clarification about what official policy will be, including
the enforcement of existing laws, and he has been reviled for it all
along the way. He’s not a consensus-builder, to put it mildly..........http://kunstler.com/clusterfuck-nation/deadly-serious/
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