Tuesday, March 19, 2019

i've pasted a snip from the middle of this piece that makes some good points about the whole aim of the new 'laws';

While Red Flag Laws fail to stop determined attackers, Townhall notes that they pose a threat to law-abiding citizens who may be dealing with a disgruntled ex-boyfriend or girlfriend.
Townhall provides the following example:
Say a woman dates a man. He’s a gun enthusiast who enjoys going to the gun range and taking part in the shooting sports, like trap and skeet. It’s something he does on the weekend with friends and as a social activity. The woman knows this about her now ex-boyfriend. She wants to get back at him so she reports him to the police, saying she fears for her life. Based on that accusation alone, police can go to a judge, at which point the judge can order the police to confiscate the man’s firearms. He has no say in it. And no chance to defend himself...........https://fromthetrenchesworldreport.com/lindsey-graham-seeks-to-incentivize-states-to-adopt-gun-confiscation-laws/243475

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