Saturday, March 22, 2025

 caitlin says the trump is just the shrub in a red hat;

Trump is butchering children in Gazastomping out free speech in the US, bombing Yemen for Israel, and preparing for full-scale war with Iran in plans which reportedly include the possible use of nuclear weapons

And from what I can see, Trump supporters are mostly fine with it. Everything the so-called MAGA movement claims to stand for is a lie.

“MAGA” is just Republicans doing Republican things. Ten years ago the GOP started wallpapering over its shattered reputation from the Bush administration with a right wing populist message which purported to oppose neoconservative war agendas, support free speech, seek to drain the swamp, and put America first. In practice what we are seeing is Trump murdering and warmongering in the middle east just like Bush, rolling out freakish authoritarian agendas in the US just like Bush, advancing longstanding neoconservative agendas just like Bush, and putting Israel first just like every Republican for decades.

Trump is all the most evil things Bush was, but MAGA morons pretend he’s something different because he put on a red hat. Dumbest, most pathetic and fraudulent political faction in existence....more..........

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