Tuesday, March 25, 2025

 the left vs right war of elections is getting repetitive in its tactics. romania, ireland, turkey, the empire and who else has been removed or attempted to be so;

It looks like leftists in Ireland are taking a page out of the leftist playbook in America.

No sooner had Conor McGregor announced his bid for president of Ireland, prosecutors announced that they may seek to charge him with inciting hate.

This looks like the same type of lawfare BS that we just went through for years here in the United States.

Breitbart News reports:

Irish Prosecutors Mull Charging Conor McGregor with ‘Inciting Hatred’ After Presidential Bid Announcement

In the wake of Conor McGregor announcing his intention to run for president, Irish prosecutors are reportedly considering charging the UFC legend over allegedly “inciting hatred” amid the 2023 Dublin riots.

In the wake of McGregor being invited by the Trump administration to the White House and later announcing his intentions to run for the Irish presidency, the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) in Dublin is said to be examining social media posts from the outspoken mixed marital artist for potential criminal charges, the Irish Independent reported............more.......

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