Sunday, March 23, 2025

tucker interviews the trump negotiator, mr witkoff;

 Steve Witkoff is one of the most important people within the administration. Witkoff plays the key role of emissary and envoy for President Trump carrying his message to designated ears and returning with information.

It is certainly frustrating to the global operatives of the CIA not to have the ability to influence and control the messaging and information flow from and around President Trump. Without a doubt the use of envoys and emissaries has to be giving the Intelligence Community significant frustration headaches.

Within the interview Witkoff walks through what he has seen and discussed in numerous conflict zones. The majority of the interview focuses on the Israel-Hamas conflict, and Witkoff’s action toward negotiation peace, as a result of the question priority of Tucker Carlson. The remainder of the interview, approximately one-third, focuses on the Ukraine-Russia conflict.

Tucker Carlson also emphasizes the U.S. media attacks against Witkoff, which I would say are significantly overstated (motive unknown), distractingly so. Overall, a great insight into Steve Witkoff, President Trump and the peace agenda of the Trump administration, while simultaneously (oddly) you can sense Tucker Carlson is engaged with Witkoff with an intent to shape the conversation............more........

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