Tuesday, March 25, 2025

larry johnson defines the differences between anti-zionist and anti-semite; 

I don’t like labels. If you call someone a conspiracy theorist or a terrorist or an anti-semite, you are engaged in the lazy use of language for the sole purpose of trying to discredit the person who is the target of your epithet. I find the terms, right-wing and left-wing, completely useless. They are 20th Century relics and should be tossed on the trash heap of history.

What about the term, anti-Zionist? Okay, I am guilty. I am opposed to the idea / belief that a deity has designated one group of people for special treatment above all others. I do not subscribe to the belief that the Torah / Pentateuch / Old Testament entitles people who identify as Jewish to lay claim to the lands of Israel, Gaza, the West Bank, Jordan, Syria, portions of eastern Egypt and portions of Iraq. The Torah was written by Jewish scholars who were in exile in Babylon. I do not believe that a deity dictated nor wrote the Torah. It is the work of men from a particular ethnic background and a particular point in time.

Unfortunately, the words in that ancient text are being interpreted today as irrefutable promises by a Supreme Being that grants a particular class of people the right to destroy other people. In other words, Jews have the right to destroy Amalek because it says so in the Torah and Pentateuch.

Israel is commanded to destroy Amalek in several instances in the Hebrew Bible:.........more.........

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