Saturday, January 25, 2025


it is probably gonna get more difficult from here on out;

Dear Reader, Try to imagine what kind of a piece of shit would imprison a father of a young child because he attended a political rally in support of a president whose re-election had been openly, blatantly stolen from the American people.

It is imperative that you understand that a US — I won’t dignify it by calling it American — federal government using anti-American Democrat prosecutors, anti-American Democrat judges, and  anti-American Democrat juries  hunted down by violating the Constitution’s protection of privacy 1,500 American patriots who attended a rally in support of President Trump who, based on unambiguous definite evidence, had his re-election stolen from him and the American people.  The Democrats’ chosen victims, who engaged in  a Constitutionally-protected protest, were branded  an “insurrection,” an obvious lie repeated endlessly by the whore American TV and print Ministry of Propaganda.  The anti-American US Department of Justice (sic)  imprisoned those who could not be coerced to self-incriminate themselves with a plea bargain in exchange for a lighter sentence. All the corrupt Democrats wanted was “convictions” in order to prove that there was a Trump-supported “insurrection.”  The corrupt Democrats even had a black D.C. police officer murder a white female war veteran in order to support the claim of “violence.” Of course, the police officer has not been held accountable.

The world has not seen, excepting Israel’s genocide of Palestine, injustice of this magnitude since Stalins’ purge trials in the 1930s when he had the leaders of the Bolshevik Revolution that put him in power executed as “capitalist spies.”  Try to imagine Nikolai Bukharin, declared by Lenin to be “the golden boy of the Revolution” as a capitalist spy........more..........

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