Sunday, January 26, 2025

i am unsure how to label the video rebel but this individual regularly provides info and insight i don't find in other places; 

Trump should tell the Press at his earliest opportunity: “I will be asking the Pentagon how many American military personnel are serving in the Ukraine? How many have died since February 24, 2022? How many were seriously injured and had to file for disability retirement benefits? And how many ex-US military personnel are currently serving as military contractors in the Ukraine?


We now know that at no time did the American leadership ever believe the Ukrainians could win this war. Putin went in with a small force to push for a negotiated end to the conflict. Zelensky initially agreed, but then UK PM Boris Johnson went to Kiev with DC’s’ blessing to tell the Ukrainians that the war must go on and on. We were eager to sacrifice a million Ukrainian men so we could use sanctions and a war to do serious harm to Putin. Our goal was regime change in Russia.


We had dozens of US biolabs in the Ukraine prior to the war which were dedicated to developing pathogens which we could spread into Russia. We were developing diseases to specifically kill Slavic people. There are more the 8.5 million Polish people in the US and 2.5 million Russians plus many more from other Slavic countries. And lots of Jewish people have some Slavic genes. So, were we willing to risk their lives too?...........more......

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