Sunday, January 26, 2025

almost in awe, gutfeld points out some of cheeto's accomplishments;

During The Five on FOX News on Friday, Greg Gutfeld took a moment to marvel at how much Trump has gotten done in his first week.

Gutfeld noted the fact that it feels like America has a real leader again, and that people feel great because things are getting done and people who need help are finally getting it.

He also suggested that Trump has ‘flooded the field,’ meaning that he has crowded most of his worst critics right out of the picture.

Partial transcript via Real Clear Politics:

GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: Just stepping back, I just feel like, are there any politicians or political parties left? Like I feel as though Trump has flooded the zone. He’s disappeared Democrats from the game board, but also any kind of like, never Trumpy Republican, are they — do they still exist?

I don’t think there’s been any Republican president that’s had a week like this. I don’t remember it. The party has never been this effective or successful in my — in my lifetime.

I mean, maybe over time, it happens. But this, you can’t have a better week than this. And a lot of this stuff that he’s doing, you know, in the executive orders. But also, here is a layup, because the solutions were always there. It’s just that the Dems refused to accept them. It was a failure, not just of common sense, but also a failure of will. No one is having any issue with what Trump is doing. They just didn’t know it wasn’t being done. They didn’t know what they were missing, including in disasters.

This is a contrast between an actual president and a cardboard prop. You know, Trump is aware of what’s going on the ground. He actually listens to people. And if you tell him something, he’s going to do something about it...........more......

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