Thursday, April 25, 2024

came to this conclusion years ago after reading a few books that led in this direction plus the logic of it all came together. pcr makes it clear in few words;

 Tucker Carlson Explains that Watergate Was an Orchestration to Remove President Nixon from Office

Paul Craig Roberts

I have several times reported the same. Nixon was removed because he was making arms limitation agreements with the Soviets and opening to China. This was normalizing the enemy that the military/security complex needed for its budget and power. It was for the same reason that President Kennedy was assassinated by the military/security complex. The growing suspicion about Kennedy’s assassination meant that the military/security complex could not risk a second violent assassination, so Nixon was politically assassinated.

The same strategy was applied to Trump. When Trump said he intended to normalize relations with Russia, he presented himself as the same threat to the military-security complex as Kennedy and Nixon. That is what Russiagate was about, and what documentsgate, Jan 6 Insurrection, and two failed impeachments are all about. When Russiagate and the impeachments failed, they decided to steal the election. When Trump’s support survived all of this, they decided on the indictments. In the least, the indictments will keep Trump off the campaign circuit and use up his resources in legal fees.

It is the determination and ability of the military/security complex to protect its budget and power that makes peace impossible and wars our way of life.

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