Monday, April 29, 2024

 mr davis calls 'our' government dysfunctional and dangerous. he explains below, and i lean heavily in his direction of thought;

The party of democracy in America is the Democrat party, because they believe in democracy. The Republican party believes in the republic.

This is the image, the belief, we’re all supposed to have. This is the indoctrination of the masses to believe in this ruse. The Democrat party right now is working as hard as possible to deny the majority its say in politics. It will lie, cheat and steal votes to appear as a majority. Everyone should vote, even though only American citizens are allowed to vote. These are the conflicting messages they shamelessly push. When they say “everyone” they mean, everyone, citizen, non-citizen, tourist, alive or dead is irrelevant, if a ballot can be produced, it should be counted; absentee ballots from Palestine should be counted, as long as they vote Democrat.

Now, this is a bit of teasing, because Republicans, at least their proposed policies, have a significant majority and therefore, by Democrat standards, must not only be American citizens, they must show ID and verify with bills to the claimed address. They aren’t intelligent citizens, so their vote should be counted less than Democrat votes. That, to them, is just common sense. That justifies the cheating to which they meet with a wink and a nod.

It’s not like one would get anything different from voting Republican, though. Look at the Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, if you want to verify that statement. All the promises to have regular order, to operate under the rules of the House, all went by the wayside in a nanosecond. Ken Buck and Mike Gallagher demonstrate how Republicans are really Democrats anyway, because they’re all on the same team. Claire Wolfe put it perfectly in the film Lies of Omission, once elected, representatives and senators, even state representatives and senators, become government agents, not agents of the people. They are there, she said, “to represent the government to us, rather than us to the government.”

The people, the source of all the money the government spends, either literally from taxes, or by leveraging our future wages to go into debt, never actually get a say. Taking the people’s voice out of a democratic system poses no problem, it’s just what they have to do to spend more than we produce, literally enslaving future generations to that debt, something that should be grounds for execution, but because the government would have to prosecute and execute, it just can’t find the time. The only say Americans ever get under the United States government, is to choose from column A (communism) or column B (communism)............more........

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