Thursday, October 6, 2022

 pcr moves thru several layers of what our world has become to raise a question;

Minds Caught in a Steel Trap

Paul Craig Roberts

In America today it is no longer possible for liberals and conservatives, left and right, Republicans and Democrats, blacks and whites, men and women to debate issues. The reason is that for liberals, leftists, Democrats, blacks, and feminists the issues are settled.  Conservatives and Republicans are racists, white supremacists, colonialists, and threats to American democracy. Heterosexual men are misogynists. There is nothing to talk about.  The guilty parties are known, as are the voices of truth. In place of debate the guilty parties are censored and silenced, which is the job of print, TV, the FBI, employers, and social media.

Feminists teach women to hate men. White liberals teach blacks to hate white people. Woke leftists infuse white kids with guilt and teach them to hate themselves and their parents and to accept privileges awarded to the “oppressed.” Gender depends on what you claim to be, not on biology or your body parts.  A society this confused and disunited by mutual hate is incapable of going to war with real nations like Russia, China, Iran.

I once was a university professor, a member of the Congressional staff, an Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury, an advisor to J.P. Morgan Guaranty Trust, a Wall Street Journal editor and columnist, a Business Week columnist, a columnist for the Scripts Howard News Service, a columnist for Creator’s Syndicate.  Today my voice is limited to the Internet and to foreign publications and news services........more.......

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