Sunday, September 4, 2022

 as you read this remember that currently a large jewish bank, named black rock, is said to own it all via the stock market, so all of what's covered here would be those who own black rock, and the like;

Imperialism of Jewish Capital
from Feb, 2019

by Henry Makow PhD

According to 
"The Red Dragon," a book published in 1889  by L.B. Woolfolk, British (and American) imperialism originated in the need of  Jewish bankers and their Masonic flunkees to translate money created from nothing (thanks to their control of credit), into real wealth i.e. world ownership. 

When these bankers finagled a credit monopoly in England in 1694, they turned into a monster that now has hijacked humanity.

The London-based banking cartel literally has gobbled up the planet, and will not be content until it owns everything, and enslaves mankind, mentally and spiritually, if not physically. This, in a nutshell, is the New World Order. This attack on Russia is the background to the Ukraine war.

Russian Security Council deputy secretary Mr Medvedev said yesterday it was the 'dirty dreams of Anglo-Saxon perverts' to use war in Ukraine to 'paralyze' the invading nation (Russia.) Of course, he is too discreet to call these perverts by their real Satanist Jewish name.

Today, Zionist imperialism manifest the banker agenda for "world government" through the destruction of religion, nation, race and family. This imperialism does not express the interests or wishes of ordinary English, American or Jewish people who have themselves been colonized.

THE RED DRAGON........more..........

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