Monday, September 26, 2022

 dr coleman has some information about the whole covid game you'll need to be aware of and act accordingly;

Government policies everywhere are designed to destroy economies, impoverish millions and result in hundreds of millions of deaths (particularly in Asia and Africa) through cold and hunger.

Nothing that is happening is happening by accident. Everything in our stagnant, rancid, entitlement-based society is planned and everything is deliberate.

In March 2020, I warned that the coronavirus pandemic hoax was designed to do three things: to kill the elderly, to get rid of cash and to bring in compulsory vaccination programmes. I warned that we were fighting a war against evil people.

And three months after that, in the early summer of 2020, I warned that our main enemies were not the conspirators themselves but the collaborators – the millions of people who would, if told to do so, stand on their heads in buckets of custard and ask only how long they had to stay there. I warned that it would be the supine, spineless, ignorant, gullible, compliant collaborators who would sign our death warrants.......more.........

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