Monday, September 26, 2022

 this is one of the better essay's i've encountered on the ukraine war and its possible outcomes;

Recently, some readers have complained to me that we are covering the Ukraine situation too closely, saying they are bored with the topic.

In fact, I’m not really covering it that closely. I’m really just giving the broad strokes, and giving people a basis upon which they can do further investigation into what is going on if they are so inclined.

If readers find the coverage boring, they can skip over it. There is a lot of other stuff on this site. I am covering the Ukraine the exact right amount. I am obligated to do this because so few outlets are covering the war with any truth or honesty. In the English language, the pro-Russia perspective is very difficult to find, with most conservatives who are against the war simply saying that they don’t care either way. “I do care and I actively support those fighting against the Washington and Brussels elite” is an important perspective that must be in the public conversation.

Mitch McConnell was right when he said the most important thing happening in the world is the Ukraine conflict. He was right for the wrong reasons, but he was right......more........

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