Friday, September 9, 2022

 this interview covers the oncoming reduction of food and energy supplies though the rest of the world's economy and all that implies is also involved one way or another in klaus schwab's 'great reset';

International Man: Russia is one of the largest producers of fertilizer in the world, and tensions with the US and EU are disrupting supplies.

In addition, it seems there is a deliberate effort to sabotage the global agriculture industry.

For example, in the Netherlands, the government is restricting the use of nitrogen fertilizer under the ridiculous pretext that it’s needed to combat so-called “climate change.” Dutch farmers have protested the measures because they believe they will destroy their livelihoods and cause food shortages.

In Canada, the Trudeau government has announced a similar policy. Other governments will likely follow.

What’s your take on this? Is this a deliberate plan to disrupt food supplies?

Doug Casey: This meme has been circulating, along with three related ones, for a couple of years.

It’s as if the world’s governments decided to unleash the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Pestilence, War, Famine, and Conquest). The Covid hysteria and subsequent Vax mania can stand in for Pestilence. The US proxy war against Russia in the Ukraine has every chance of getting much worse. Vastly higher commodity prices caused by central bank inflation and State dictates will cause famine in poor countries. As for the Fourth Horseman, Conquest? That’s best translated as State Power. Kings and rulers, of course, but it evidences itself as socialism and authoritarianism today. We’re in for tough times. The Four Horsemen are saddling up.

But let’s look at Famine. Few people realize that before the Industrial Revolution, which only started in the 19th C, the world was perennially on the edge of mass starvation. Privation and hunger were normal. Hobbes was accurate when he said that life was “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.” The Industrial Revolution, powered by coal and then oil, changed the nature of life itself. Food has become abundant and is now, by far, at the cheapest levels in history.

That may be changing. Basic commodities like wheat, soybeans, and corn have doubled in the last couple of years—incomes haven’t. I doubt this is just a cyclical self-adjusting fluctuation. It’s much more serious...........more.........

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