Tuesday, May 3, 2022

 pcr seems to believe we're fully on the way to ww3 and 'our' government seems to be helping this along, and has been;

Washington & Moscow Have Combined to Make the Ukrainian Situation into Armageddon

Paul Craig Roberts

Yesterday morning I posted an explanation of why Russian liberalism was generating a wider war that could end in Armageddon.  https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2022/05/01/putins-liberalism-means-a-wider-war-is-in-the-cards/ 

I find no relief in The Saker acknowledging the same unfolding of events.  https://thesaker.is/sitrep-operation-z-17/ 

The Saker and Andrei Martyanov are two competent analysts of Russian military capability.  Until recently they have acknowledged no problem with Putin’s limited military operation in Ukraine. But The Saker now realizes that the slow Russian operation has made opportunities for Western mischief that will widen the conflict.  No doubt Martyanov also sees the adverse consequences of delay, but he is yet to attribute any importance to them.

The Saker reports Western plans to bring into western Ukraine where Russia has no boots on the ground  Polish and Romanian soldiers with NATO air cover for “military exercises.”  The Saker also reports that there seems to be a military operation in preparation against Russian Transnistria.

Quoting other analysts, The Saker reports that on the Polish, Belarus, and Moldova borders with Ukraine a total contingent of 50,000 to 100,000 troops can be inferred. “NATO’s ultimate strategy on this issue is currently unclear, but several options could be considered. Firstly, this can be done for a banal intimidation of Russia and an attempt to put pressure on the course of the special operation in Ukraine, and secondly, in the West they perfectly understand that Ukraine as a country no longer exists and see its future on the principle of occupation sectors. And the third option is the most terrible, but the least likely: NATO decided to go all the way and, if lend-lease and hybrid warfare do not stop the Russians, then regular units of Western countries will step in. This, of course, is a 100% threat of the use of nuclear weapons. It looks utopian, but in 2022 everything is possible.”........read more........

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