Thursday, May 26, 2022

 the mark of the beast;

Major supermarkets are set to prohibit payment using cards or cash, instead requiring people to scan their faces or fingerprints. Such a manner of payment fits perfectly into an Orwellian surveillance society.

Payments giant Mastercard paved the way for this new system, launching a biometrics payment program for retailers. Users checking out goods at the cashier will need to scan their face or palm to authenticate payment. Their biometric data can then be matched to a bank account stored on file, automatically deducting the purchase amount once the transaction is confirmed.

A spokesman for the company defended the new system, saying: “No more fumbling for your phone or hunting for your wallet when you have your hands full. The trusted technology that uses your face or fingerprint to unlock your phone can now be used to help consumers speed through the checkout.” (Related: Mastercard rolls out payment system that uses FACIAL RECOGNITION technology.)

The biometrics payment program was piloted in five branches of the St. Marche supermarket chain, all in the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo. Mastercard partnered with local Brazilian startup Payface to make the system a reality. According to the New York-based financial services firm, more trials in Asia and the Middle East are planned – with a view to a global rollout later in and watch more......

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