Friday, September 3, 2021

 mr smith presents the realities behind the 'green energy' push that i'm sure you haven't known or considered;

The incentives must change from "waste is growth" to hyper-efficiency, conservation, right to repair and manufactured objects engineered to last a generation or longer and be recyclable at scale.

Humans like novelty but don't like change. It's easy to confuse the two. When we say, "I need a change," what we mean is "I'd like to be refreshed by some novelty," not "I want all the uncertainty, ambiguity and potential for errors and losses that come with change."

Humans like a new model of truck (novelty) but don't like their truck is taken away (change).

Since life is change, we all some experience with it. Some changes happen to us, others are the result of conscious choices we make.

Every individual has a mix of aptitudes, strategies and experiences with both kinds of change. Some of us are better at handling one kind or the other, some don't handle either very well, some handle all change remarkably well.

Very few of us say, "I sure would like to have a health crisis." We don't choose the health crisis, but we do choose our response.

Like many of you, I've had accidents (health crises), major career changes and multiple moves to different locales.

as a general rule, changes we choose / direct have a push-pull aspect: there's something negative we want to avoid or end, and something positive we want to obtain.

For example, we might realize that our current job is a dissatisfactory dead-end (the negative) and we need a more satisfying career (the positive).

A health crisis is negative but the prospect of this being a catalyst for a healthier lifestyle is positive.

Being fired or losing our job is negative (not the change we wanted or chose) but once we accept that our life is going to change one way or the other, we can view this negative as a positive catalyst-- a move we didn't choose for various reasons, but a positive move because otherwise we wouldn't have taken all the risks and uncertainties that go with fashioning another more......

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