Thursday, September 30, 2021

 i've been warning that the scenes from australia would soon be coming here, and this article presents the 'legal' authority the federalies claim to do so, so, how long do you think until the gestapo begin operating here;

There have also been scenes from Canada caught on video, most notably the case of Pastor Artur Pawlowski, who was arrested and dragged off by a SWAT team in the middle of a busy highway, that would make you swear you are looking at the East German Stasi in action, not the Canadian police.

Everything the Australian, Israeli and Canadian governments are doing in terms of using force to brutally put down all resistance to their draconian mandates and restrictions are things the current regime in Washington not only wants to do but claims it has the legal authority to do.

Biden’s people admit he has been in discussions about closing down interstate travel to the unvaxxed and barring them from air travel. In the new Amerika, these are “privileges,” they tell us, not rights.

If they believe they can get away with it, they will do it.

Australia, Canada and Israel are the models for the Great Reset, a system designed to tag, track and monitor the behavior of every human being as if they were a unit of livestock. This global reset demands your total obedience.

As Biden loves to remind us with his “build back better” mantra, he and his people are fully on board with the Great Reset, as laid out by the World Economic Forum and now being implemented in Australia, Israel, Germany, Canada and other formerly free countries.

So, Americans need to prepare now for the day when the regime in Washington goes full Nazi. In fact, some are already describing the scenes in Australia as a civil war. Too bad the Aussies gave up their rights to own firearms years ago, because I truly believe Biden would have already launched similar crackdowns if he didn’t have the Second Amendment to contend and watch more........

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