mr smith makes some interesting points in this piece about why there is a 'labor shortage' and i'd guess that some of you have a dog in this fight;
Trying to reach the same level as the already-wealthy is a path to burnout and frustration, as the chasm is too wide to leap. Those gambling in the GBOAT casino are winning now, but relying on number 22 coming up again and again is becoming increasingly risky. The speed with which the phantom wealth of debt-asset bubbles can collapse is not widely understood, and the collapse will catch most punters off-guard.
In other words, membership in the already-wealthy based on speculative gains may prove more temporary than expected.
There are many ways to opt out. Here's one account of one strategy: What I learned from living five years in a van (
The already-wealthy and their minions are unprepared for the Smart Crowd opting out. In their precious naivete, the technocrat class reckons a few more dollars an hour will lure the Smart Crowd back into wage-debt-penury. The failure of their pathetic little carrot to entice the burned out donkeys back to the harness of making billionaires wealthier in exchange for, well, nothing of any real value, will be a great shock for those who believe that since the status quo works great for me, it works great for everybody.
The banquet of consequences hasn't even served the main course but it's on the way from the more..........
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