Monday, June 21, 2021

 kunstler keeps on providing very credible thoughts on our current direction and probable destination and here's more;

Events are tending toward an unfortunate convergence that may leave the USA in a very reduced condition before the end of this year, while the “Joe Biden” government cripples all our institutions, especially the military, with race-and-gender mind-fuckery as a distraction from its own coming and untoward collapse. The “president” is back from his toilsome travels through Europe, which included a summit meeting to butter-up Vladimir Putin, hoping to possibly use Russia as a buffer against an increasingly hostile China.

In a kind of comic reversal of George W. Bush’s first meeting with Vlad Putin — “I was able to get a sense of the man’s soul,” W said — this time, Vlad looked into “Ol’ Joe’s” eyes and probably saw the ghost of Konstantin Chernenko. You may recall Ol’ Konstantin led the foundering Soviet Union for about a year, his final months from Moscow’s Central Clinical Hospital, where emphysema, congestive heart failure, and cirrhosis of the liver laid him low. “Joe Biden” did not start smoking cigarettes at age nine, as Chernenko had, but when Vlad P Looked into his eyes, he probably saw a 15-watt bulb flickering within, and played him accordingly. After the summit, Vlad sized-up the “POTUS” as “professional” for the press — a witty snark, if ever there was one.

You can see a procession of events now marshaling up toward an epic storm of bad karma for this exceptional nation of ours turning the corner into summer and then the fall. Of course, the friendly news media is not fully reporting the latest institutional failure, that is, the perfidious behavior of US chief health official Dr. Tony Fauci who, with either stupefying naïveté or by some other motive, assisted China in the development of a bio-weapon, which China then loosed upon the USA (and everybody else). Net result: millions dead around the world, and an awful lot of people here now extremely suspicious of the vaccines being aggressively touted by the government. Meanwhile, the roughly half of the US population who took the vaxes now have to worry about what the active ingredient, a toxic spike protein, is doing to their hearts, blood vessels, brains, and other organs, and whether something worse awaits down-the-road. Has a trap been set? (We’ll get to that below.) more.......

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