Wednesday, October 2, 2019

as a companion piece to rumors that the hildabeest is on the way back to threaten us once more with her becoming 'president' this writer sets the stage with reasons why that might be;

On the way to writing an article, I received a call from an insider source that confirmed and expanded upon what I knew about the latest attempt to impeach President Trump and who is behind it.
On three occasions that I am aware of, President Trump has threatened to withdraw troops from Afghanistan. It seems like a good idea. Our presence, in America’s longest war in its history is accomplishing nothing from a national security standpoint. However, to say that it is not accomplishing something would be to miss the real reason why we still have troops in that country. It also explains, in part, why ISIS was formed.
Let’s begin with ISIS. In many different ways, I documented, on the CSS, beyond a a shadow of a doubt that Hillary and McCain started ISIS. Hillary made the first move, as I previously documented, by paying “blood money” to a small band of terrorists when she was on the board at LaFarge. This gave birth to the financial backing that ISIS needed to get started. Their money was used to entice other impoverished Muslims to join ISIS just like how American teens join street gangs. This is not a secret and has been widely reported. McCain, while he was the head of the Senate Intelligence Committee, blocked the destruction of American military equipment left behind in Iraq. This was deliberate and illegal, as by law, when the American military abandons a theater of war, the weapons are destroyed so our enemies, or potential enemies cannot procure needed muscle. McCain’s actions led to the small ISIS remnant suddenly appearing out of seemingly nowhere, to become armed to the teeth. Previously and with the help of former PSYOPS officer, Scott Bennett, I was able to piece together this scenario. However, many other outlets reached the same conclusion.
Why was ISIS created? ISIS was a transportation arm and a protection arm of drug trafficking coming out of Afghanistan. They protected some of the distribution points while carrying out terrorist activities which serves as an effect cover for their drug operation which is their main duty. They have also evolved into an effective and well-armed militia, thanks to the CIA, John McCain and Hillary Clinton...........

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