Thursday, October 31, 2019

the historical awareness, and attention span of the average american is akin to that of a multi-colored beach ball. they know nothing and care about as much about anything beyond the end of their nose;

In celebrating the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, U.S. interventionists are emphasizing how vicious and brutal the man was and, therefore, that the world is better off that he is now dead.
How vicious and brutal?
Well, let’s do some comparison asking.
Was he more vicious and brutal than the current leader of Saudi Arabia, an unelected dictator whose people murdered and dismembered an innocent man in cold blood while he was visiting a Saudi embassy in a foreign country to get documents relating to his upcoming marriage?
Perhaps it’s worth mentioning that that Saudi leader is a proud partner and ally of the U.S. government.
Was he more vicious and brutal than the leader of Egypt, an unelected military dictator who uses U.S.-supplied weaponry to kill, torture, or jail political dissidents and who suppresses the results of any election that doesn’t please his military regime?
Perhaps it’s worth mentioning that that Egyptian leader is a proud partner and ally of the U.S. government.
Was he more vicious and brutal than the former leader of Chile, Gen. Augusto Pinochet, an unelected military dictator whose goons rounded up 50,000 innocent people and tortured, raped, disappeared, or executed many of them?...........

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