Monday, October 21, 2019

this writer gets it all spot on with the exception of nukes on 911. its proven to those with an investgative mind that the towers, including building seven were brought down by controlled demolition the same way they demolish any other building they want gone;

Political activism in the US other than for pay is a dying occupation. Make too much noise, you are branded a terrorist. Reach too large an audience, you have a car accident, and this has happened over and over.
It isn’t just about Syria and ISIS, or why scientists say nuclear weapons destroyed the three towers on 9/11, and why Hollywood, on a weekly basis, inserts “you know, the people who question 9/11 should be locked up as terrorists” into the mouths of fictional, read “fake,” TV actors on show after show.
Americans eat food produced at “factory farms” that is illegal to report about. You can go to jail; investigative reporting, in state after state is a crime.
You can’t mention “Palestinians” without calling them terrorists at any American university and not be fired immediately. Then there is the American “justice system,” that fills privately owned prisons with millions of American poor. American has more laws than any other nation.
Laws are written by legislators. Legislators are chosen by special interest groups, opioid pushers, hospital conglomerates, war industries, big oil, private prisons, big polluters, tobacco or “big data” social media.
Well, that isn’t exactly true, is it? Laws are written by lobbyists and paid “think tanks”, who hand them to legislative aides paid off by lobbyists who give them to paid off legislators who “introduce them” to be passed............

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