Tuesday, September 10, 2019

read this the other day on pcr's site but include it here today because a friend reminded me of it, and its real, no matter what you may think because of what the tv tells you;

By Paul Craig Roberts
The end of white America is now assured. The only question is the fate of the remnants.
The lack of response by white Americans to their demonization as they decline as a percent of the population demonstrates their lack of concern with their fate.
It seems as if the West is dead in every way. The rule of law is dead throughout the West. Democracy is a scam. There is oligarchic rule.  Everything is done for organized interest groups.  Nothing is done for the people.  Putin just declared: “West’s leading role is ending.” How right he is. 
The Brookings Institution is not a racist white supremacist outfit.  It is a neoliberal/neoconservative “think tank.”  One of its members, William H. Frey, has authored a report, “Less than Half of US Children Under 15 Are White, Census Shows,” based on the recently released 2018 US Census Bureau report. The information in Frey’s article is fascinating. It shows a disappearing white population. 
The number of white children, that is, the group of the next generation of parents, is not only   declining relative to the populations of non-whites but also absolutely.  During 2010-2018 the number of white children shrank by 2.2 million.  Overall, the white population of America has declined from 80 percent of the US population in 1980 to 60 percent in 2018...........https://www.presstv.com/Detail/2019/09/07/605570/The-end-of-white-America-and-Israel-lobby

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