Friday, September 20, 2019

my three loyal followers will immediately recognize this blogger as i've re-posted everything i've seen from him, and this post makes some good points. the link just below here is from a comment on the bottom link to the article and is, i think, a good companion piece;

When George W Bush was President, the Deep State created a list of 8 million Americans to be detained in case of a National Emergency. That list surely has grown since Democracy Now and Salon looked at Main Core in 2008.
The Deep State is run by the men who launder a trillion dollars a year in illegal drugs and weapons. Asia Times said a decade ago that they also launder $500 billion a year in bribes. The Deep State killed President Kennedy because they wanted him to go to war in Vietnam and to lose it so they could get white teenagers to start taking drugs. They wanted a beaten down and drugged up America to replace what was here before they killed JFK because they could more easily control a corrupt nation.
They also wanted President Kennedy dead because he opposed Israel’s acquisition of nuclear weapons.
There are a few problems with the DC crowd trying to round up 8 to 10 or even 12 million Americans. That original 8 million figure came from estimates more than a decade ago during the George W Bush administration. Certainly like all government programs it has expanded since it began.
Suppose the Deep State sent out the order to round up 30,000 men and women on the evening of Day One. Americans have 4 major time zones so suppose they operated from midnight to 4 am Eastern time. That would be from 9 pm to 1 am on the West Coast.
They would have to take down Internet communications and cell tower traffic. They could not allow people to communicate with one another.  They would need local law enforcement to co-operate. That co-operation could be a major problem as local cops might side with friends and neighbors and give advance warning. Children could be sent to another location. Some might set a bomb to explode when the door kicked in doors. Snipers might take out a few of the Feds on Day One. But not all of those federal men would get home at the end of their first shift rounding up Patriots,..........

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