Tuesday, September 24, 2019

i've included some racism here for those of you who are politically correct;

347 shot and killed to date in Chicago.
You know.... with a gun.
Of those where the race of the victim and/or assailant are known less than 4% are not either black or Hispanic.
96% of those 347 shot and killed, and the shooters, share a characteristic: Their skin color is not white.
Now it is true that Chicago has a materially different racial make-up than the rest of the state of Illinois, and the nation as a whole.  About a third of the population is each of white, Hispanic and black.
Nationally it's about 60% white and black and Hispanics roughly split the difference.
But if white people were the problem with gun violence then Chicago would have 30% of its homicides committed by and aimed at whites, a third at blacks, and a third at Hispanics.
Instead 83.6% are blacks, or nearly three times their representation in the population.  11.8% -- or somewhat less than their representation in the population are Hispanic.  And 3.7%, or about 85% LESS than their representation, are white.
Put another way:
  • Hispanics murder each other at about the rate you'd expect given their population density.
  • Blacks murder each other at about two and a half times their population density.
and Whites...... murder each other at about ONE EIGHTH their population density.
By an outrageously large margin white people are the least likely to both murder and be murdered by a factor of approximately 8:1 in the city of Chicago.
Hispanics are approximately as likely to murder and be murdered as would be expected by their representation in the population.
And blacks murder, and are murdered, at 250% the expected rate for their representation in the population.
CNN has the audacity to suggest that we're expressing "racism" when white people insist on keeping guns?
White people murder damn near nobody, and are murdered damn near never, in proportional terms.  With what you're murdered and how many at a time doesn't make a bit of difference when you're six feet underground for the eternal sleep.  You're still dead and the person who killed you still did it.
If you want to actually address gun violence then there is exactly one place to focus your attention on until that over-representation is eliminated.  Then work on the Hispanic over-representation.
When, and only when, blacks and Hispanics murder at a rate approximately one eighth the present rate for Hispanics and about 1/20th of the current rate for blacks you can then come talk to me about white people............https://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=236899

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