you might want to find an answer to the question asked below;
That ‘B’nei Akiva’ is on the more extreme side of this scale is
fairly obvious even from the organisation's name. Rabbi Akiva, after
whom it is named, was a leading jewish religious zealot who served as
the principle religious leader of the jewish revolt against the Romans
led by Simeon bar Kochba. Both Rabbi Akiva and Simeon bar Kochba held
that non-jews are lesser beings that exist to serve jews or be
exterminated as the ‘seed of Amalek’ and acted accordingly. (10)
If May didn’t know this basic fact then quite frankly she had no right to be Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
Yet she still addressed what is tantamount to a white supremacist group
of jews and did so in terms that echoed the usual nonsensical platitudes
about eternal jewish victim-hood as well as how everyone has tried to
exterminate them at some point or another.
May failed to ask the glaringly obvious question, which is very simply: why?
If the jews have been subject to so much persecution by so many
disparate civilizations, cultures, governments and religions over more
than two millennia. Then is it not far more likely that the said
disparate civilizations, cultures, governments and cultures are reacting
to something the jews are doing not just being ‘irrational’ and ‘jealous’ of them?
Why yes: it is...........
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