Monday, June 17, 2019

if you don't realize he's speaking truth herein, you haven't been paying attention and should take your token back three spaces;

Corporations motivated by insatiable greed endanger us all and must be stopped before it’s too late, veteran journalist Chris Hedges told RT, warning that future generations will suffer immeasurably unless action is taken now.
Appearing on George Galloway’s political talk show ‘Sputnik’, Hedges decried how the “psychopaths” who run the world’s largest multinational corporations are “hurling us all over a cliff” in the pursuit of “short-term profit.”  
We’re going to talk about the destruction of the ecosystem that sustains life. And [that’s] what is happening in the hands of the oligarchic elites in the fossil fuel industry – and let’s not forget the defense industry, the largest emitter of greenhouse gasses is the US military.
Asked by Galloway if their grandchildren will “have a world to live in,” Hedges offered a grim assessment:
“Not unless we – and I don’t use this word lightly – overthrow corporate power. Otherwise it’s very clear that these people will kill us.”.............

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