Tuesday, June 18, 2019

the video rebel always has pertinent information well presented with great evidence and here is one about iran and the empire;

Iran’s Sejjil IRBM missile, according to Wikipedia, has a speed of Mach 14. And a range of 2,500 kilometers (1,553.4 miles). The warhead ranges from 500 to 1,500 Kgs (1,102 to 3,307 pounds.)
Iran has developed unstoppable cruise missiles with a range of 800 miles.
On 12-5-2011 Obama’s CIA made a gift of an RQ-170 drone to Iran which Chinese, Russian and Iranian scientists studied in depth. Today Iran has a fleet of drones capable of launching missiles at US ships and military bases from Diego Garcia to Bahrain, Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan. All US ships in port or in either the Persian Gulf or the Indian ocean would be sinking minutes after an attack on Iran. Iranian attacks on US bases with fuel air explosives would eliminate most personnel. Survivors would be captured by ground forces in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.
60% of American currency is overseas. Even if America responded with nuclear weapons, the people overseas holding dollars would dump them . They would be dumped as nobody wants to get paid in the money issued by the country that lost the last war. That would double prices thus cutting permanently in half the wages and pensions of most Americans.
So if attacking Iran does not make much military sense, then why do it?
We were told that Iran had used mines to attack oil tankers in the Persian Gulf but that has already been disproved by eyewitnesses much as was the Gulf of Tonkin incident that started the Vietnam war...........https://vidrebel.wordpress.com/2019/06/17/attacking-iran-a-reality-check/

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