Sunday, February 24, 2019

we're fed potential burning issues daily with the hope that they'll stick and lead to more division, and guess who benefits from that division;

I’ve never been much of a drinker, but it’s times like these I think I need to change that.
Let me present to you three exhibits, and then we’ll go into what the hell is happening because while it looks confusing it’s really quite simple.
Exhibit 1
Maybe you’ve heard the story. Maybe not, so here’s the quick rundown. 
This guy, an actor whose acting skills hopefully are better than his language skills, clearly has a beef with the Donald.
Now, to be clear, I’d no idea who this guy even was, nor did I care. Apparently he’s some celebrity of some sort. 
His story goes that two men violently attacked him and shouted racial slurs at him, including, “this is MAGA country”.
Turns out the story was all “shulbit”, and so you ask yourself the question, why? 
That’s easy. Take a look around and tell me when was there a better time to be a victim. Seriously!
As I mentioned in my post about the white men of the world, being a victim has never been more powerful.
Pity, however, is the watchword of the victim. And being a victim has never been so powerful as it is today in Western society.
And so Jussie figured he’d use his “status” of being a victim. 

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