Monday, February 25, 2019

i have no interest in the left vs right fight. i suspect most of it is created by false flags like at charlottesville. i do see many things in the following article that caught my eye, and remaining brain cells which may be of interest to you;

The Jussie Smollett hate crime hoax was planned at the highest levels of the (Obama) deep state and was intended to foment a race war across America, say multiple sources across the independent media. The official explanation that Smollett “masterminded” (if you can call it that) the hate crime hoax because he wanted a pay raise for his work as an actor on Empire just doesn’t hold water. He is reportedly being paid $65K per episode, bringing in more than $1.1 million per year. Yet we are supposed to believe he would risk his entire career (and significant earnings) to try to push for an increase in his pay?
It doesn’t add up, and several independent media investigators are already starting to dig deeper into the Smollett fiasco. Dave Hodges of The Commonsense Show, for example, writes that a Confidential Informant (CI) says a deep state federal agent was actively involved in plotting the hate crime hoax. Via Dave Hodges:......

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