Saturday, August 4, 2018

this article covers something that mystifies me at the same time it doesn't at all. 'our free press' is fully owned and operated by a faction of the ptb that rule us, and curiously, most 'consumers' know it and at the same time believe what it tells them. they must because while saying they don't trust the talking heads, they speak as though they do by parroting the crap the tv tells them;

Among the most fascinating aspects of the brouhaha over supposed Russian meddling in America’s electoral system is the total silence in the U.S. mainstream press about U.S. meddling in the political affairs of other countries.
Consider the mass outrage and indignation among the mainstream press that Russia would actually want to help a U.S. presidential candidate who favors normalizing relations with Russia over a candidate that was determined to do the opposite.
Why not the same outrage against the U.S. national-security establishment for helping its favorite people come to office in foreign countries?
By their silence regarding U.S. meddling in foreign countries, one could easily draw the conclusion that the U.S. mainstream press is saying the following: It’s wrong for Russia to meddle in the U.S. electoral system but it’s okay for the U.S. national-security establishment (i.e., the military, CIA, and NSA) to meddle in the electoral affairs of foreign countries.
But if that’s their position — and it certainly seems like that is their position based on their silence — then why don’t they explain it? Why is it considered okay for the U.S. national-security establishment to meddle but not okay for the Russian national-security establishment to meddle?

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