pcr always seems to find the correct questions and answers. in this piece he shows clearly to my mind, why there isn't the country the tv tells you we live in. the connstitution is in the process of being removed and 'burning issues' issued by the tv and 'our' politicians is the result. soon we will be burning 'witches';
As many readers of this website have noticed, the United States has
lost its character and become a dysfunctional society. In place of a
largely homogeneous population once united in veneration of the
Constitution, there exists today massive diversity which Identity
Politics has used to disunite the population into separate interest
No clause or article of the Constitution, nor the Bill of Rights, is
safe. The George W. Bush and Obama regimes destroyed two of the most
important protections of civil liberty—habeas corpus and due process.
Bush declared indefinite imprisonment on suspicion alone without
evidence or trial. Obama declared execution of US citizens on
accusation alone without due process. The Justice (sic) Department
wrote legal memos justifying torture, thus destroying the constitutional
protection against self-incrimination. One of the authors of the memos
is now a professor of law at UC Berkeley. The other is now a federal
judge, indications that respect for the Constitution and enforcement of
US and international laws against torture is fading in law schools and
the federal judiciary.
A third important protection of civil liberty—freedom of speech which
is necessary for the discovery of truth and to serve justice—is being
destroyed. Apple, Google/Facebook, Twitter, Spotify, university speech
codes, legislation against protesting Israel’s atrocities against
Palestinians, and the presstitute media that has been turned into a
propaganda organ in behalf of vested interests are all actively involved
in protecting lies against truth.
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