Wednesday, August 8, 2018

 don't like jone's presentation. too loud and aggressive but much of what he presents are real concerns that now will be getting less exposure, which is what the ptb want to be the case. more at the link;

The banning of Alex Jones’ YouTube channel has just set a dangerous precedent for free speech.  Big tech has just proven they are no friend of free speech, by censoring those with whom they disagree while simultaneously proving Jones correct.
Jones had a large following on YouTube, about 2.5 subscribers. The owner and creator of InfoWars has often been derided by establishment media as a conspiracy theorist. Yet on Monday, Apple, Spotify, YouTube, and Facebook has actually proven the motto of his show correct: There’s a war on for your mind!” By blocking or deleting InfoWars accounts from their platforms, saying he allegedly engaged in “hate speech and violated their “community standards,” they’ve proven that they prefer the government approved official narrative to free thinking and free will.  Apparently, people don’t get to decide what information they are exposed to, Big Tech will do it for us.
As RT so eloquently put it: these corporations appointed themselves arbiters of acceptable political thought and censored Jones for failing to comply with arbitrary political standards set in Silicon Valley boardrooms, not at the ballot box.

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