buchanan identifies some of where we find ourselves and in some ways sticks to one version of 'official' reality;
On meeting with the EU’s Jean-Claude Juncker last month, Donald Trump
tweeted: “Both the U.S. and the E.U. drop all Tariffs, Barriers and
Subsidies! That would finally be Free Market and Fair Trade.”
Did Larry Kudlow somehow get access to Trump’s phone?
We know not. But, on hearing this, Steve Forbes, Stephen Moore and
Arthur Laffer broke into the “Hallelujah” chorus of Handel’s “Messiah.”
“Amen,” they thundered in The New York Times.
Trump should declare “total trade disarmament” to be national policy
and make free trade his “legacy” to America. Such a proclamation, they
wrote, would assure Trump the “moral high ground” in the global debate
and transform him from “evil disrupter of international commerce to
potential savior.”
For free trade is always and ever a “win-win for trading partners.”
To read the Times op-ed is to appreciate that what we are dealing
with here is an ideology, a political religion, a creed, a cult.
For consider the fruits of free trade policy during the last 25
years: the frozen wages of U.S. workers, $12 trillion in U.S. trade
deficits, 55,000 factories lost, 6 million manufacturing jobs gone,
China surpassing the U.S in manufacturing, all causing a backlash that
pushed a political novice to the Republican nomination and into the
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