Saturday, January 18, 2025

 are you satisfied with the direction the world is taking;

The following is a lament of a native Iowan. However, it is likely shared by folks in many areas of America. Areas that have been destroyed by modernity. We read the history of this land we call America where there were lush plains and forests filled with wildlife. Soil that would grow anything. Pagans revered it. Christians were called to be husbandmen of it. Either/both responsible for its nurture and protection.

We have failed miserably. We’ve allowed giant corporations to rape the land and turn the small farmers and shopkeepers, those that have survived the onslaught, into slaves in the land they inherited. What soil has not eroded into the oceans has been poisoned with chemicals. Monocrops have replaced the diversity that sustains and balances the creatures of the land and further destroyed the beauty and fertility nature had provided.

It’s time for us to rebel against modernity with it’s ugliness, death, and destruction. The weapons we employ should be truth, beauty, and goodness. If we give our word we keep it. We make the space we occupy beautiful. We lend a hand and encouragement to our Folk. Homesteading, homeschooling, holistic healthcare. Reject the corporations. Frequent farmers markets and small family businesses. It’s up to each of us to do our part by doing the next right and honorable thing.

Will we be remembered as the parasites that destroyed the host and ultimately ourselves, or those who saved ourselves and restored balance, the good, the true, and the beautiful? Here follows the lament. We can do better...........more.........

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