Saturday, January 11, 2025

 larry johnson and i differ on the birth of the deep state as you may know by now. i see it as at least forty years older than he, as it was 'born' in the early fifties if not before but then the cia was involved. so here is larry's take, which may indicate a different 'level' of the deep state's organization;

The phrase, Deep State, is now a staple of political vocabulary, but people who have not worked in the Washington bureaucracies, especially those tied to national security and intelligence, may not appreciate the meaning. I will try to define it for you. What I offer below is an attempt to define a complex, dynamic system in simple terms. I ask your forgiveness in advance if I have overlooked some key variables.

I place the birth of the Deep State in the early 1990s, during the Presidency of Bill Clinton. It was during Clinton’s presidency that the US government, especially in the areas of intelligence and the military, started out-sourcing jobs that once were classified as civil service. Let me give you a current example. Previously, the annual report on international terrorism (it was called Patterns of Global Terrorism during my time in government, but now goes under the name, Country Reports on Terrorism) was prepared by analysts at the Counter Terrorism Center. After 9-11, that job was transferred to the National Counter Terrorism Center. But, sometime in the last ten years, that work was contracted to a consulting firm in Bethesda, Maryland — Development Services Group, Inc.

Here’s another example. One of my bosses at CIA, a gentleman named Randolph “Randy” Pherson, retired in 2000 :..........more........

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