Tuesday, January 28, 2025

mr davis tells you that 'journalists' are whores and no more a problem than are wolves or snakes. they each perform their assigned tasks here in the earth. they reveal things we aught to know and often use nefarious techniques to accomplish it, like vultures clean up things by eating the dead;

The sheer inhumanity of the reporters cloaking themselves in righteousness while causing vast swaths of pain and cruelty is astounding. They are not humane, or they would see that sending live human beings unmolested, other than to wear handcuffs for a few hours, back to their homes where they once lived; among people who cared more for them than to use them as banners for their political purposes; where their friends or family have histories and similar tales. To compare that, even remotely, to the kidnapping of children from their families and forcing them to walk with strangers twenty miles a day, those strangers who might get raped themselves, or rape the children, has no sway in the hearts of the mainstream media. They care not for the trip toward the US complete with daily sexual abuse, the random beatings of people being coerced to take the long arduous trail to America only to be murdered when they become inconvenient, I find it all rather sickening. What level of abuse would they not cover up, hide and dismiss if it hurt a Republican or helped a Democrat? I don’t know that there is a limit to that. They haven’t shown one, yet.

I’ve been watching it now for four years, well, that’s not fair to Barack Obama under which all of these organized caravans of poor indigenous people began, at his direction, for his purposes. They were forced through the Darien Gap, one of the most dangerous places on earth, all to serve his political ambitions, not caring one whit about the true and dangerous consequences these people suffered at the hands of himself and his collaborators. Raped to death on the trail? Well, it’s not so good for the optics, so all of the reporters should look away and show only the benefits, the optics that benefit Obama and then Biden. All so Democrats might win a few elections, nothing more, no greater ambition than that, the consequences be damned...........more..........

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