Tuesday, January 14, 2025

 this certainly is cut and dried but the motherwefers continue to muddy the 'waters';

The House of Commons voted down a renewed inquiry into the “grooming gangs” scandal in the United Kingdom by a vote of 364 to 111. The Labour Party closed ranks with not a single defector. The Conservatives accused Labour of “cowardice,” but Prime Minister Keir Starmer shot back that the Tories had done little on the issue when they were in power. The Tories are now in third place in the polls, with Nigel Farage’s Reform Party tying the governing Labour Party at 25 percent. If there was a general election today, the Labour Party would almost certainly lose its government, not just its supermajority. It is one of the largest polling collapses in British political history.

All of this was essentially driven by Elon Musk, who began posting about the issue last week. It looks suspiciously like a pivot — a way for the self-proclaimed “TechnoKing” to reclaim his crown on the populist Right after his disastrous foray into the H-1B visa debate. Given Mr. Musk’s idiosyncrasies, it is possible that he noticed the issue for the first time and decided to post about it. However, if we assume the world’s wealthiest man is capable of some political strategy, we are obviously being used. At the same time, the Right is also using him........more.......

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